Source Code ExploitDB POC Downloader With Ruby

Source Code ExploitDB POC Downloader With Ruby
 Require installation :
~ gem install curb
~ gem install colorize
~ Create logs folder & ExploitDB in logs folder
Start And Run Example :
$ ruby ExploitDB.rb --run y
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: Please select number exploit category:
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 1 : Remote Exploits
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 2 : Web Application Exploits
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 3 : Local & Privilege Escalation Exploits
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 4 : Denial of Service & Proof of Concept Exploits
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 5 : Exploit Shellcode Archive
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: 6 : Archived Security Papers
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: Number: select number 1 to number 6
[INFO]|ExploitDB|:: number Page: select page number 1 to ....

Source Code :

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